Research Seminar

Åsa Knaggård: Stakeholder interaction – what do we mean and how can we do it?

Date: 14 October 2015
Time: 10:00–12:00

Åsa Knaggård, Phd in political science at Lund University.

That scientific knowledge should be useful and that policies should be based on knowledge, are believes that today are increasingly endorsed. As scientist we encounter this not least in the demands from funders. The presentation will report from a current project on stakeholder interaction. Focus is on what we as scientists mean by the concept and how we can work more systematically with it. Based on data from a questionnaire and round table discussions, the presentation will problematize stakeholder interaction and highlight challenges on individual, organizational and societal level.

"My main research interest lies in the challenges that foremost environmental problems pose to society. The time horizons for these issues are long and scientific knowledge as well as cooperation over sectoral and disciplinary boundaries are needed to manage them. A main focus in my research is how our political systems manage scientific uncertainty and the long term perspective."

Read more about Åsa Knaggård

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