Open seminar

Book release: Stefan Svallfors - The Inner World of Research

Date: 5 March 2020
Time: 16:00-18:00

Register: The seminar is free of charge, but you need to register, REGISTER HERE

The Inner World of Research - On Academic Labor is a book about the misery and joy of life as a researcher. It deals with essential but rarely spoken of topics in the everyday life of a researcher, focusing in particular on the role of emotions and social relations in research. It stretches from the individual researcher, to the “micro-cosmos” of the research team, to the broader policy environment in which research takes place. The book is to a large extent based on autobiographical material from a long career as a leading social scientist. But it also derives from extended interviews with researchers from a variety of disciplines, and with authors, artists and musicians. It delves into the mysteries of creativity, the joys and frustrations of collaboration and the role of fear, anger and boredom in the life of a researcher.

The author Stefan Svallfors will talk about the book in conversation with Li Bennich-Björkman who is Johan Skytte Professor in eloquence and political science at Uppsala University.  

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