Research Seminar

Collective behaviour and collective cognition

Date: 19 April 2013
Time: 12.30-14.00

Jens Krause, Humboldt University, Berlin

In his talk Krause will explain some of the basic principles of collective behaviour and collective cognition. Some of the case studies are based on experiments with animals but I will also show several studies on human crowd behaviour and give examples of how and where collective cognition is used by companies and other organisations to deal with complex decision-making problems (such as product development or predicting future developments). He will also briefly outline an example of how collective cognition could be used in the context of sustainable resource management.

Seminars hosts are Peter Hedström, David Sumpter and Fredrik Liljeros from the Institute for Futures Studies. The seminars are free of charge and take place at 12.30–14.00 in the Institute’s seminar room at Holländargatan 13, Stockholm.

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