
Ethics of Coordination

Date: 27 - 28 September 2023
Time: 10:00-18:00

This is a hybrid workshop. If you wish to join, get in touch with Olle Torpman, [email protected].

For more information about the workshop, including abstracts, visit the project website


10.00–11:45 Julia Nefsky: Expexted Utility, the Pond Analogy and Imperfect Duties
13.30–14.30 Anne Schwenkenbecher: We-mode reasoning about our environmental obligations
14.45–15.45 Vuko Andric: How could the collective obligations of unstructured groups be grounded in individual obligations?
16.00–17.00 Krister Bykvist & Karsten Klint Jensen: The Challenge from Adaptability

10.00–11.00 Björn Peterson & Olle Blomberg: Faults and guilt feelings in ustructured groups
11.15–12.15 Säde Hormio: Shared social orientation
13.30–14.30 Natalie Gold: Rational coordination to prevent climate change. Team reasoning, social identify, and group goals
14.45–15.45 Olle Torpman: Climate Change, Compliance, and Emissions Egalitarianism
16.00–17.00 Mark Budolfson: TBA


Previous activities and documentation