Research Seminar

Per Molander: How to build a sustainable welfare state, Nordic design (webinar)

Date: 2 September 2020
Time: 10:00-12:00

Per Molander, PhD., chairman of the Equality commission of the Swedish government.

How to build a sustainable welfare state, Nordic design

How to build a sustainable welfare state, Nordic design

Several conditions for the long-term stability of the welfare state are necessary:

  • Basic welfare (economic security and welfare services) have to be guaranteed for the overwhelming majority of the population.
  • Lower- and middle-income voters have to be convinced of the benefits have to be convinced that this policy is in their interest.
  • MPs must vote in accordance with the preferences of their voters.

Swedish political history in recent decades will be analysed against the backdrop of this list of requirements.

This seminar will be held online. The number of people who can join is limited. You can check in a couple of minutes before the seminar begins. To join this seminar, e-mail [email protected] to get your meeting link. 

If you wish to pose a question, let us know by using the chat. The moderator will keep track and let you know when it's your turn to turn on your microphone and pose your question to the room.

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