Research Seminar

Swedish Public Housing Companies In Transition

Date: 7 November 2014
Time: 13.00–14.30

Tapio Salonen, Professor in Social Work, Malmö University

A dramatic shift has characterized the Swedish housing policy in later years; from strictly state regulated to one of the most market driven in Europe. Some studies argue that the Swedish housing policies has fundamentally changed and represents a “monstrous hybrid” (Christophers 2013) or “the most market governed in Europe” (Hedin 2012). In this dramatic policy shift are the public housing companies (allmännyttiga bostadsföretagen) set under pressure to fullfil more businesslike principles in accordance to a new legislation from 2011. In what ways can these public housing companies act in order to fullfil both public and market driven goals?

This presentation discusses results from an ongoing research project, Nyttan med Allmännyttan (sv).

Read more about Tapio Salonen

The seminar will be in English and will be held at the Institute on Holländargatan 13 in Stockholm. Participation is free of charge. Welcome!

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