Research Seminar

Therese Lindahl: Swedish policy for global climate: what is it and how can we get there?

Date: 15 April 2020
Time: 10:00-12:00


Therese Lindahl, Programme Director, PhD, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics.


This presentation will first summarize the main findings of the SNS Economic Policy Council Report 2020. Swedish Policy for Global Climate. The overall aim of the report has been to help to answer the question how we can achieve the desired reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. This requires an understanding of various complicated and interconnected systems. For example how the global climate system works and is influenced by the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, how the global economy works and how different types of climate policy affect the use of fossil fuels and other fuels. Finally, it is necessary to understand how international agreements can be created and maintained. The report provides such a background and then, given this background analyzes Swedish climate policy. After providing a summary of the report I will present some new research directions.

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