The workshop will focus on how one can account for value incommensurability, its implications for ethical theory and decision theory.
Date: 7 December 2019
Time: 09:00-18:30
Welcome to a workshop on incommensurability at the Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm 6-7 December 2019.
The workshop will focus on how one can account for value incommensurability, its implications for ethical theory and decision theory. The workshop is organised by Anders Herlitz and Henrik Andersson. Attendance is free of charge but please send an email to no later than November 20 to let us know you're coming.
You can download the Book of abstracts, and below is the schedule for the two days.
6 December
9.00 Registration and coffee
9.20 Welcome
9.30 John Broome: Incommensurability is vagueness
10.45 Chrisoula Andreou: Parity without imprecise equality
12.00 Lunch
13.15 Anders Herlitz: Nondeterminacy and reasonable choice
14.30 Krister Bykvist: Cross-categorical value comparisons
15.45 Coffee
16.15 Luke Elson: Indeterminacy and agency
18.30 Dinner for the speakers
7 December
9.00 Coffee and tea
9.30 Mozaffar Qizilbash: Incommensurability, 'Rough Comparability' and Vagueness: On Value Relations and Populations Ethics
10.45 Ruth Chang: Defusing Continua Arguments
12.00 Lunch
13.15 Gustaf Arrhenius: Population ethics and conflict of value imprecision
14.30 Wlodek Rabinowicz: Are Probabilities Values?
15.45 Coffee
16.15 Miriam Schoenfield: Contracting and Dilating with Imprecise Probabilites
18.30 Dinner for the speakers