Mats Ingelström

CFO and Head of Research Coordination
Tel: +46 8 402 12 00 (vx)
E-mail: [email protected]


In my role as the Manager of Research Coordination, I lead our team of research coordinators. Research at the institute is conducted within research projects, either researcher-initiated projects or commissioned research. As research coordinators we assist the researchers in coordinating their research and provide support in applying for new projects. We have a comprehensive view of the research conducted at the institute and maintain contact with research funders and project partners.

As the Chief Financial Officer, I have the overall responsibility for managing the institute's finances, including our internal accounting and reporting systems, as well as budgeting and performance monitoring. This also encompasses an overarching view of the organization's IT needs.

I also monitor research policy, provide input for our internal investigations, and conduct research in philosophy.