
Here you will find different texts written by researchers that are working for the Institute. All texts are not the result of research within the Institute's research program but are by theme and authors relevant to our work. If you wish to find publications in Swedish you will find them on our Swedish website.

Swedish Parental Leave and Gender Equality. Achievements and Reform Challenges in a European Perspective

Ann-Zofie Duvander, Tommy Ferrarini and Sara Thalberg 2005

Articles in Framtider no. 3/2004 English edition

Theme: China's new future 2004

Demographically Based Global Income Forecast up to the Year 2050

Bo Malmberg and Thomas Lindh 2004

Forecasting Global Growth by Age Structure Projections

Bo Malmberg and Thomas Lindh 2004

Mapping Study on International Migration

Kristof Tamas 2004

Organised Interests, Labour Market and Migration: the Swedish Model

Torbjörn Lundqvist 2004

The Impact of Ageing on Innovation and Productivity Growth in Europe

Alexia Prskawetz and Thomas Lindh (Eds.) 2004

Welfare Enhancing Marginal Tax Rates: The Case of Publicly Provided Day Care

Sören Blomquist and Vidar Christiansen 2004

Cohort Effects on Earning Profiles: Evidence from Sweden

Susanne Dahlberg and Ruth-Aïda Nahum 2003

Demographic Patterns from the 1960s in France, Italy, Spain and Portugal

Ingrid Rydell 2003

Leaving Rurality Behind: Re-orientation of Spatial Policies in Sweden

Erik Westholm 2003

Swedish Post-War Economic Development: the Role of Age Structure in a Welfare State

Bo Malmberg and Thomas Lindh 2003

What Future for Europe? New Perspectives in Post-Industrial Fertility Issues

Béatrice Daumerie 2003

Alva's Futures Ideas in the Construction of Swedish Future Studies

Jenny Andersson 2002

Demography and Finance –Finance and Growth

Paul Simon 2002

Pathways to Retirement and Retirement Incentives in Sweden

Mårten Palme and Ingemar Svensson 2002

The Timing of Retirement and Social Security Reforms: Measuring Individual Welfare Changes

Anders Karlström, Mårten Palme and Ingemar Svensson 2002

Challenges for the Local Communities

Erik Westholm 2001

Education and Research in Times of Population Ageing

Lena Sommestad 2001

Health and Wealth: the Contribution of Welfare State Policies to Economic Growth

Lena Sommestad 2001

Four Phases in Demographic Transition: Implications for Economic and Social Developments in Sweden 1820-2000

Bo Malmberg and Lena Sommestad 2000

From Transfers to Individual Responsibility: Implications for Savings and Capital Accumulation in Taiwan and the United States

Ronald Lee, Andrew Mason and Timothy Miller 2000

Natural Selection and the Origin of Economic Growth

Odad Galor and Omer Moav 2000

Social Mechanisms: An Analytical Approach to Social Theory

P. Hedström, R. Swedberg (Eds.) 1998

Actions and networks: Sociology that really matters (to me)

Peter Hedström

Collective Animal Behavior

D.J.T. Sumpter

Success factors for effective labour market projects

Clara Lindblom