
Implicit Gender Bias

Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2023

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Constructivist Contractualism and Future Generations

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Andersson, Emil | 2022

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The Repugnant Conclusion: An Overview

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Andersson, Emil | 2022

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Nuorten ilmastoahdistus ja ympäristötunteet

Jylhä, Kirsti , Pihkala, P. & J. Sangervo | 2022

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Beckman, Ludvig | 2021

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Ahdistuksen vai innostuksen ilmasto? Ilmastoviestinnän ja -kasvatuksen keinoja ilmastoahdistuksesta selviytymiseen

Jylhä, Kirsti , Pihkala, P., Cantell, H., Lyytimäki, J., Paloniemi, R., Pulkka, A., & I. Ratinen | 2020

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The value of life and the challenge to value aggregation

Herlitz, Anders , Hassoun, Nicole & Lucio Esposito | 2020

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How is 'Organized Crime' Organized?

Rostami, Amir & Göran Ahrne | 2019

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The Repugnant Conclusion

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Ryberg, Jesper & Torbjörn Tännsjö | 2017

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The Value of Existence

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Wlodek Rabinowicz | 2015

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Value Superiority

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Rabinowicz , Wlodek | 2015

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Being and Well-Being

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

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Bursell, Moa | 2015

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Value and Time

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

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Analytical Sociology and Rational-Choice Theory

Peter Hedström & Petri Ylikoski 2014

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Ethnic Differences in Early School-leaving: An International Comparison

Jonsson, Jan O. , Rudolphi, Frida , Elina Kilpi-Jakonen | 2014

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