IFFS reports

Counterradicalization Interventions. A Review of the Evidence

Wolfowicz, Michael , Weisburd, David & Badi Hasisi | 2022

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How are our young adults doing? A report on labour market activities and living conditions

Plenty, Stephanie , Mood, Carina , Rudolphi, Frida , Treuter , Georg , | 2018

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Labour market policies against the odds? Job finding among participants in ESF projects in comparison with the Public Employment Service

Ryszard Szulkin, Lena Nekby, Magnus Bygren, Clara Lindblom, Kenisha Russell-Jonsson, Ragnar Bengtsson, Erik Normark 2014

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European Social Models, Protection and Inclusion

Joakim Palme, Kenneth Nelson, Ola Sjöberg, Renate Minas 2009

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What Future for Social Investment?

Editors: Nathalie Morel, Bruno Palier, Joakim Palme 2009

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Children’s Work in Everyday Life

Eds. Kristina Engwall and Ingrid Söderlind 2007

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How Migration Can Benefit Development

Eds. Kristof Tamas and Joakim Palme 2006

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Labour Migrants Unbound?

Kristof Tamas and Rainer Münz 2006

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