Counterradicalization Interventions. A Review of the Evidence
Wolfowicz, Michael; Weisburd, David & Badi Hasisi 2022
Sweden Democrat voters. Who are they, where do they come from, and where are they headed?
Jylhä, Kirsti , Strimling, Pontus , | 2019
How are our young adults doing? A report on labour market activities and living conditions
Plenty, Stephanie , Mood, Carina , Rudolphi, Frida , | 2018
Labour market policies against the odds? Job finding among participants in ESF projects in comparison with the Public Employment Service
Ryszard Szulkin, Lena Nekby, Magnus Bygren, Clara Lindblom, Kenisha Russell-Jonsson, Ragnar Bengtsson, Erik Normark 2014
Poverty and welfare among children and their families 1968–2010
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. | 2014
The more things change, the more they stay the same. A follow up of participants in Social Fund financed projects
Where are newcomers going to live? Perspectives from Malmö and Århus on Swedish and Danish refugee dispersal policies
Gunnar Myrberg 2012
Who Cleans the Welfare State? Migration, Informalization, Social Exclusion and Domestic Services in Stockholm
Anna Gavanas 2010
European Social Models, Protection and Inclusion
Joakim Palme, Kenneth Nelson, Ola Sjöberg, Renate Minas 2009
What Future for Social Investment?
Editors: Nathalie Morel, Bruno Palier, Joakim Palme 2009
Sustainable Policies in an Ageing Europe. A Human Capital Response
Eds. Thomas Lindh and Joakim Palme 2006
Challenges and Opportunities of International Migration for the EU, Its Member States, Neighboring Countries and Regions: A Policy Note
Robert Holzmann and Rainer Münz 2004
The Impact of Ageing on Innovation and Productivity Growth in Europe
Alexia Prskawetz and Thomas Lindh (Eds.) 2004