
Here you will find different texts written by researchers that are working for the Institute. All texts are not the result of research within the Institute's research program but are by theme and authors relevant to our work. If you wish to find publications in Swedish you will find them on our Swedish website.

The analytical turn in Sociology

Peter Hedström 2009

The Emergence of Foresight Activities in Swedish Government Authorities

Torbjörn Lundqvist 2009

The Frontiers of Sociology

P. Hedström, B. Wittrock (Eds.) 2009

The Geographies of Recruiting a Partner from Abroad. An Exploration of Swedish Data

John Östh, Maarten van Ham and Thomas Niedomysl 2009

The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology

P. Hedström, P. Bearman (Eds.) 2009

Tocqueville and analytical sociology

Edling, Christofer , Peter Hedström | 2009

Towards Common European Health Policies: What are the Implications for the Nordic Countries?

Paula Blomqvist and Jakob Larsson 2009

What Future for Social Investment?

Editors: Nathalie Morel, Bruno Palier, Joakim Palme 2009

What is analytical sociology all about? An introductory essay

Peter Hedström, Peter Bearman 2009

Articles in Framtider International edition 2008

Theme: The Swedish Model 2008

Demography and housing demand–What can we learn from residential construction data?

Thomas Lindh, Bo Malmberg 2008

Explaining the growth patterns of social movements

Peter Hedström 2008

Intergenerational Public and Private Sector Redistribution in Sweden 2003

, Charlotte Forsell, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh | 2008

Low Fertility and Long Run Growth in an Economy with a Large Public Sector

Jovan Zamac, Daniel Hallberg and Thomas Lindh 2008

Macroeconomics and age structure in a welfare state—Sweden 1946-2005

Thomas Lindh, Bo Malmberg 2008

Predicaments in the futures of aging democracies

Thomas Lindh, Urban Lundberg 2008

Rational choice and sociology

Peter Hedström, Lotta Stern 2008

Swedish Economic Growth and Education Since 1800

David de la Croix, Thomas Lindh, Bo Malmberg 2008

The Future Landscape

Jenny Andersson 2008

The Importance of Age for the Reallocation of Labor: Evidence from Swedish Linked Employer-Employee Data 1986-2002

Marie Gartell, Ann-Christin Jans and Helena Persson 2008

The Importance of Education for the Reallocation of Labor. Evidence from Swedish Linked Employer-Employee data 1986-2002

Marie Gartell, Ann-Christin Jans and Helena Persson 2008

Urban Inequality and Political Recruitment Networks

Per Strömblad and Gunnar Myrberg 2008

Power and Social Ontology

Burman, Åsa | 2007

Age Structure and Productivity Growth

Jaypee Sevilla 2007

Child Health and Family Income: Physical and Psychosocial Health

Ruth-Aïda Nahum 2007

Childhood Poverty and Labour Market Exclusion. Findings from a Swedish Birth Cohort

Olof Bäckman and Anders Nilsson 2007

Children’s Work in Everyday Life

Eds. Kristina Engwall and Ingrid Söderlind 2007

Fertility and Relative Cohort Size

Jaypee Sevilla 2007

Labour Supply Response to Spousal Sickness Absence

Ruth-Aïda Nahum 2007

Pension Systems and Pension Reform in an Aging Society

Elsa Baroni 2007

Policies and Strategies to Promote Social Equity in Health

Göran Dahlgren and Margaret Whitehead 2007

Predicaments in the Futures of Aging Democracies

Thomas Lindh and Urban Lundberg 2007

The Relationship Between Demographic Change and Economic Growth in the EU

Alexia Prskawetz and Thomas Lindh (Eds.) 2007

Wage Differences Between Women and Men in Sweden – the Impact of Skill Mismatch

Mats Johansson and Katarina Katz 2007

Competition Policy and the Swedish Model

Torbjörn Lundqvist 2006

Growth and Longevity from the Industrial Revolution to the Future of an Aging Society.

David de la Croix, Thomas Lindh and Bo Malmberg 2006

Health as a Factor in Regional Economic Development

Bo Malmberg and Eva Andersson 2006

How Migration Can Benefit Development

Eds. Kristof Tamas and Joakim Palme 2006

Labour Migrants Unbound?

Kristof Tamas and Rainer Münz 2006

Sustainable Policies in an Ageing Europe. A Human Capital Response

Eds. Thomas Lindh and Joakim Palme 2006