I received my PhD from Columbia University, New York, in 1996 and since 2008 I am full professor in theoretical philosophy at Stockholm University. My research lies in the intersection of philosophy of mind, language and epistemology. I have published many papers on language and the nature of meaning, with a particular focus on the role of language in communication, and during 2011-2014 I was the project leader of an international, interdisciplinary research project on communication and intersubjective understanding. The project was funded by the European Science Foundation within the framework of the Eurcores Program ”Understanding and Misunderstanding: Cognition, Communication and Culture”.
Currently I have a five-year research project together with Kathrin Glüer, financed by the Swedish Research Council. The project is on the nature of belief and its role in human cognition. It is also concerns rationality and the relation between implicit and explicit cognition.
I often participate in public contexts, talking about topics such as consciousness, the relation between belief and knowledge, and the nature of self-knowledge.