Stefan Schubert

My research in recent years has focused on effective altruism, and in particular the question of why most people are not more effective when helping others. Lucius Caviola and I have recently compiled this research in a book, Effective Altruism and the Human Mind: The Clash Between Impact and Intuition (Oxford University Press, Open Access).

Other areas of interest include critical thinking and the practical application of utilitarianism. I am employed at Effective Altruism Sverige.


Three selected works

Schubert, S., & Caviola, L. (2024). Effective altruism and the human mind: The clash between impact and intuition. Oxford University Press.

Schubert, S., & Caviola, L. (2023). Virtues for real-world utilitarians. In H. Viciana, F. Aguiar, & A. Gaitán (Eds.), Experiments in moral and political philosophy (pp. 163-184). Routledge.

Schubert, S., Caviola, L., & Faber, N. (2019). The psychology of existential risk: Moral judgments about human extinction. Scientific Reports, 9, 15100.