The societal impact of new technologies

In order to meet global challenges such as poverty and climate change, we depend on technological innovations. We have already become increasingly embedded in a technological ecosystem that have significant effects on our everyday lives. But even small mistakes in how new technologies are being introduced, can cause negative impacts on our societies. In this theme we try to understand this process.

Today's society can hardly be understood without understanding how technology affects us. Mankind has gradually become more and more embedded in a technological ecosystem that is today the basis of prosperity, and in many ways defines human experience. The technological development of the last century is unparalleled, and it is likely that the what we will experience in the 21st century will be even more important.

However, new technologies can come with problematic consequences when introduced in society. Potential social problems and risks associated with so called general technologies such as AI and biotechnology have already surfaced. It is therefor of great importance to analyze and understand the possible impacts that new technologies can have on society, in order to make it possible to prevent problems - or to at least detect them at an earlier stage.

This theme includes: 

  • artificial intelligence
  • democratic legitimacy and AI
  • biotechnology: risks and opportunities
  • existential risks

Research leaders: Moa Bursell and Pontus Strimling

Research project


Julia Adler
Julia Adler
Master's degree in Political Science
Gustaf Arrhenius
Gustaf Arrhenius
Director and Professor, Practical Philosophy
Moa Bursell
Moa Bursell
Associate Professor in Sociology and research leader at the Institute for Futures Studies
Emma Engström
Emma Engström
PhD, Environmental Modeling
Markus Furendal
Markus Furendal
PhD, Political Science
Benjamin Gerdes
Benjamin Gerdes
Artistic researcher
Olle Häggström
Olle Häggström
Professor, Mathematical Statistics
Anandi Hattiangadi
Anandi Hattiangadi
Professor, Philosophy
Karim Jebari
Karim Jebari
PhD., Philosophy
Staffan Julén
Staffan Julén
Head of communications, Artistic Researcher
Björn Lundgren
Björn Lundgren
Ph.D., Philosophy
Anders Sandberg
Anders Sandberg
PhD, Computer Science
Pontus Strimling
Pontus Strimling
Associate Professor, Economics
Jason Tucker
Jason Tucker
Associate Professor, Social and Policy Sciences
Irina Vartanova
Irina Vartanova
PhD, Psychology
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AI Futures

A blog about the social impact of AI