Research projects

Here you can find research projects that are currently active at IFFS, including some that our researchers work with but are administered by other research institutions. The projects are sorted according to size, largest first.

Climate ethics and future generations
Duration: 2018–2023
What should the current generation do about climate change when our decisions do not only affect how future generations will live, but also who and how many people will exist?
IneQint - Inequality and Integration
Duration: 2024–2028
This study will focus on inequality and spatial sepgregation, and how they affect the children of immigrants in Sweden in terms of their wellbeing and structural, social and cultural integration.
Transformative partnerships 2030
Duration: 2020–2025
As part of the 2030 Agenda, all UN member states agreed that sustainable development should be achieved through multi-stakeholder partnerships. But do they?
Automating authority
Duration: 2024–2030
The aim of this project is to build an interdisciplinary research environment that analyzes the proliferation of AI in the public sector, its impact on the decisions being made and its effects for democracy.
4C – The Swedish Consortium for the study of Contemporary Criminal Collaboration
Duration: 2024-2030
4C seeks to expand the focus beyond narrow phenomena like gun violence by generating knowledge on the formation and group dynamics of criminal collaborations; how they arise, evolve, dissolve, and draw in people.
Causes and consequences of environmental protests
Duration: 2023–2028
Environmental protest events are increasing. Does it have any consequences for policy? With global data-sets, this project will try to answer that question.
Transformative ethics
Duration: 2025–2029
How can we make an informed choice, if we do not even grasp the outcome of the choice? This question is especially relevant when you are facing a so called transformative choice.
The Mimir Center for Long Term Futures
Duration: 2023-2025
A research environment at IFFS with a mission to carry out world leading, rigorous academic basic research on issues regarding the long-term future of civilization.
Ethics of coordination
Duration: 2023–2026
We need new ethics to understand our duties towards others in matters such as climate change.
Finding popular solutions to climate change
Duration: 2024–2028
A global investigation of public opinions about climate policies and their determinants.
Conservative climate justice for a sustainable transformation
Duration: 2024–2028
 The purpose of this project is to determine whether, and how, conservative principles can support an effective and just low-carbon transition.
Ethnic stereotypes over time - a Nordic comparison
Duration: 2022-2025
How has stereotypes of immigrant and minority groups evolved in Finland and Sweden? Comparative text analysis is used to understand how they have changed since 1945.
Kremlin influence and the destabilization of Swedish democracy
Duration: 2024–2028
An analysis of geostrategic market offensives, Russian influence operations, Swedish partners, and the threat of oligarchic capitalism
Optimism trap or optimism springboard?
Duration: 2025–2028
Young people in immigrant families have a markedly higher educational and occupational aspirations than others. This optimism has been regarded as something positive, but it seems it can also lead to a higher degree of failure. This project will take a closer look at the outcomes.
Sustainable population in the time of climate change
Duration: 2021-2023
What level of population is sustainable, given the available resources and a certain level of well-being? How can we achieve a stable or declining population?
Beyond reductionism: Contingent grounding and the Mind-Body Problem
Duration: 2023–2026
I det här projektet undergrävs de två traditionella sätt på vilka man har betraktat kropp-medvetandeproblemet och föreslår en ny teori.
Eyewitness video and human rights practice
Duration: 2022-2026
This project will study the interplay between eyewitness videos in a digital media landscape and human rights practice.
Hidden convergence in ethics
Duration: 2024–2027
Ethics has for a long time been dominated by several competing traditions. But is it entirely true that these traditions have not moved closer with time. That is what this project aims to investigate.
Predicting the diffusion of artificial intelligence
Duration: 2020-2024
A framework for predicting the spread of AI applications.
Integration of youth in Sweden in a multidimensional perspective (SEMI)
Duration: 2020-2024
How is the integration among youth developing? This project will study different dimensions of integration among 14-22-year-olds in Sweden.
Who cares for children and elders in welfare states?
Duration: 2021–2024
In Sweden, Germany and Italy welfarecapitalists, churches and migrants have been given the responsibility for health and social care. How did this happen and why?
Migration and equity in sexual and reproductive health
Duration: 2019–2024
Providers in reproductive health are encouraged to incorporate gender equality perspectives, as well as provide services sensitive to other cultures. How handle the conflict of values?
Social norms and collective threats
Duration: 2022-2025
Do social norms help dealing with collective threats? This project studies the behavior of people in the face of risk, and asks how social norms can motivate people to cooperate.
Swedish preparedness for silent health crises and organizational learning after the swine flu, the heatwave, and the COVID-19 pandemic
Duration: 2024–2027
This project aims to identify organizational conditions for efficient crisis management within intensive care units and special accommodations. It will also give recommendations on how the regions can strengthen their preparedness for silent health crises.
Cogito Machina
Duration: 2025–2028
Is AGI emergent? In order to know, several questions need to be answered and this project aims to provide the answeres. What is AGI? What is required for a system to have it, and how might we know whether AGI is emergent in a system. 
Status and stability
Duration: 2024–2027
The past years the migration laws have shifted from the permanent to the temporary. What does the aspect of time mean for the individual's legal status?
The territory of democracy
Duration: 2022-2025
The presumption that the jurisdiction of the state extends to the borderes of a certain territory is increasingly being challenged, both by indigenous people within this territory, and by extraterritoriral border control.
How policy creates politics
Duration: 2023–2026
Why do political actors find it increasingly difficult to design effective policies and address pressing social problems. This project tries to find the answer in changes of the policy feedback mechanisms by using longitudinal datasets from 30 countries.
Ambivalence: A new unified theory
Duration: 2025–2028
Having mixed feelings about something can help us to deal with conflicts. Since this view on ambivalence challenges traditional approaches that see ambivalence as a flaw, this project aims to develop a new theory of ambivalence.
Evaluated by a robot. A study of the automation of the recruitment process in a Swedish municipality
Duration: 2022–2027
In a unique project the researchers will study the differences between an AI-based interview robot's and human recruiters' evaluations of jobseekers in a Swedish municipality during a year.
Ghost Platform: Generating the "Complex Image" of Data, Labour, and Logistics
Duration: 2024-2025
This project aims to create a platform that makes visible the conflicts in transport logistics that are mostly being concealed from public view.
The Black Shore
Duration: 2024–2027
How can we understand life on the former Swedish Caribbean colony Saint-Barthélemy? This project aims to add to our undestanding using artistic methods as a complement to the juridical documents available in archives.
A new theory about the relation between cognitive ability and moral opinions
Duration: 2022-2025
Why is it that people with higher cognitive ability tend to have more liberal opinions on moral issues? This project will try to offer an explanation.
Duration: 2022-2025
Why are educational inequalities by gender and immigrant background not those we would expect given students’ aspirations, confidence, and stress?
Intrinsic motivation and outer sanctions as drivers of prosocial behaviour
Duration: 2020-2025
Why do we cooperate? This project studies drivers of cooperation, generosity and pro social behaviour.
Modern Vikings in the East
Duration: 2021–2024
What role did Swedish institutions, experts, and elites play in the economic and political development in post-Soviet Russia, with corruption, tax evasion and the emergence of the oligarchy as a result?
Selling pictures
Duration: 2025–2028
This project will place the current discussions concerning AI-generated images in a historical context, comparing it to two previous technological breakthroughs that have affected the use of pictures for commercial purposes. 
Expertise in crises
Duration: 2023-2026
Governments are now reevaluating their post-pandemic preparedness. The project analyzes how society can use expertise to develop science-based policies in times of crisis.
Claim-based distributive theories
Duration: 2023–2026
The overarching purpose of this project is to present a framework for claim-based distributive theories. Since scarcity is a ubiquitous societal problem, the project has wide-reaching relevance for society.
How do human norms form and change?
Duration: 2017-2024
Many societies are dominated by norms that are, in the long run, harmful to their members. How can these norms change?
Mission: Artistic Director
Duration: 2020-2024
This project considers artistic leadership and managerial skills in Swedish theatre, a subject which has been debated both publicly and internally the past few years.
Social norms, implicit bias and discrimination
Duration: 2020-2024
Why are ethnic discrimination and inequality widespread in Sweden when studies suggest that Swedes are among the most egalitarian people in the world? This project analyses implicit biases in relation to social norms.
Duration: 2024–2027
A multidisciplinary project researching corruption with innovative methods and technologies.
Social norms for cooperation under collective risk
Duration: 2024–2027
How could people be individually motivated to cooperate to reduce the risk of a collective loss?
Immigrant women in European labour markets
Duration: 2023–2027
Why do immigrant women experience a double disadvantage in the labour market? Understanding the reasons is the first step towards creating efficient measures to change the situation.
The future of disabilities: The ethics and politics of disability and technology
Duration: 2024-2027
This project will investigate how theories on equality and justice are affected by the fact that many disabilities are becoming a matter of choice as a consequence of the use of new technologies.
Politics of AI & Health: From Snake Oil to Social Good
Duration: 2021-2027
The potential for AI to improve health and healthcare systems is considerable. However, there is a pressing need to critically engage with the politics of AI and health, and this project will do so from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Firms as Political Activists
Duration: 2019-2024
This project explores the changing political role of corporations in the 21st century by combining political science, sociology, and business science.
Setting priorities during pandemics
Duration: 2023–2026
This projects aims to present a framework for making sound decisions in times of pandemics - when experience and time is scarce, and uncertainties are many. 
Climate emotions and affective dilemmas
Duration: 2023–2026
An interdisciplinary projects that tries to understand the normativization of climate emotions. How "should" we feel about climate change?
The conversational context and conceptual engineering
Duration: 2025–2028
Conceptual engineering concerns what it is for a concept to be defective and therefor ameliorated or abolished. The goal of this project, however, is to shift the focus to the role of the context, which might help us understand conflicts about the meaning of our words.
How do social norms change?
Duration: 2018-2025
Social norms change all the time, in all societies. But what determines which norms change and which norms do not?
Risks, resources and rewards at the frontier of labor market change
Duration: 2023-2025
How can we shape politics to protect those whose careers are most affected by the labor markets changes? This question is explored in this registry-based analysis of careers in young and innovative companies.
Household-distributed national accounts: New perspectives on the distribution of income and wealth in Sweden, 1930-2020
Duration: 2023-2025
This project examines new perspectives on economic inequality in Sweden.
Point of you
Duration: 2024–2026
Developing a new format for research communication, where performative elements and the participants' own experiences serve as the starting point for discussion.
A lost generation? A study of long-term influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on business students and their career networks
Duration: 2022–2025
What impact did the pandemic have on business students' social networks, and how will it impact their career possibilities?
Reducing populations' vulnerabilities to mis-disinformation related to scientific content
Duration: 2023-2024
The purpose of this project is to develop evidence-based strategies to address populations’ vulnerabilities to scientific mis-disinformation.
Inclusion and exclusion at the labor market
Duration: 2020–2024
This project will investigate the role of employer hiring discrimination in the reproduction of ethnic and gender segregation, and inequality in the labor market.
Children of immigrants. Longitudinal study in Norway
Duration: 2021-2024
Explaining socioeconomic outcomes and cultural adaptations in early adulthood among children of immigrants in Norway.
Digital development and educational outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Duration: 2023–2024
A project on how the spread of digital information and communication technology in Sub-Saharan Africa has affected educational outcomes and inequalities.
Cultural Evolution in Digital Societies
Duration: 2024
This project will build on evolutionary models and insights to study how conditions change with new information pathways, and technologies capable of acting with increasing authonomy from human control.
Understanding Political Climate Passivity in Sweden and the US
Duration: 2023-2026
Many are concerned about climate change and inadequate climate policies. This project aims to figure out why most adults don't use their democratic opportunities to make an impact.
Dilemmas of democratic self-defense in European public broadcasting
Duration: 2021-2024
This project examines how public broadcasting organizations have responded to the growing presence of broadly defined populist and extremist parties.
Wicked problem governance
Duration: 2023-2026
By investigating the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change on the interaction between science, policy and the public, this project aims to solve how public governance can better deal with severe crises in the future.
Algorithms in public decision-making
Duration: 2023–2024
How can we ensure the transparency required in a democracy and still make us of new AI technology in the public sector?
Forensic Art and Documentary Film as Non-Governmental Rights Campaigns: Possibilities and Limitations
Duration: 2024–2025
This project consists of three research-initiation workshops on aspects of a unifying theme: forensics in art and documentary film.
How to solve the climate crisis together
Duration: 2024–2027
This projects aims to solve ideological conflicts when it comes to climate politics, by suggesting climate work that aligns with the different ideologies' values.
New Methods for Sharing Research Findings with Society
Duration: 2024–2025
Finding new formats for presenting policy-relevant research results.
Using impure altruism to promote pro-environmental behavior
Duration: 2023–2025
Is it possible to nudge people into more environmentally friendly behaviour using impure altruism as a driver?
School impacts of violent relgious extremism
Duration: 2023–2024
How does the spread of violent extremism in the Sahel region in Africa affect the access to education for boys and girls?
Waiting for Life
Duration: 2024
A minitour with screening of the film "Waiting for Life" and a panel discussion including three former life-sentenced men, two criminologists and a documentary filmmaker will be made in San Fransisco, Washington DC and Stockholm. How can culture and meaningful content change life in prison?
Attitudes Toward Migration and Migrants in Sweden During Years of Escalating Gang Crime
Duration: 2025
How has the public debate on crime influenced general opinion regarding views on migration and migrants in Sweden? The project aims to result in policy-relevant insights to be presented in 2025.
International Panel on Social Progress
Duration: Ongoing
Many wealthy societies face challenges and developing countries tend to attempt to imitate their solutions in order to end poverty and hardships instead of finding new models. Can we hope for a better society in the future?
World Values Survey
Duration: Ongoing
World Values Survey is a global research network studying trends in values all over the world. Their secretariat is located at the Institute for Futures Studies.
Global Social Norms
Duration: 2022-
The Global Social Norms network is a research collaboration with its base at the Institute for Futures Studies, connecting social norms researchers from over 130 countries.
Progress in Ethics
Duration: 2022–
This is an international network of researchers from a variety of disciplines, providing a forum for discussions on what progress have been made in the field of ethics.