Children of immigrants. Longitudinal study in Norway

Explaining socioeconomic outcomes and cultural adaptations in early adulthood among children of immigrants in Norway.

In an era of rapidly increasing ethnic, cultural and religious diversity due to immigration, the question of how children of immigrants adapt and become part of the socio-economic structure as well as the social and cultural fabric of society is a decisive test of sustainability for immigrant receiving countries. As new generations of ethnically diverse adolescents move into adulthood, investigating the forces that shape their opportunities and adaptations not just in in education, employment, but also in the social and cultural life of Norwegian society is crucial for understanding the challenges of the future, in terms of social cohesion, inequality and sustainability.

In this proposed Module 2 of the Norwegian Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study (CILS-NOR 2), we build upon an extensive longitudinal and comparative framework for studying long term integration processes among children of immigrants in a multidimensional perspective, zooming in on the crucial transition from adolescence to early adulthood. The project aims to: 

  • Unpacking the underlying drivers of educational mobility among children of immigrants;
  • Identifying socio-cultural risk factors for negative outcomes in early adulthood:
  • Understanding the relationship between cultural change and socio-economic mobility;
  • Explain what shapes gender differences in life choices and outcomes;
  • Study how the educational system, the welfare state and policies of gender equality shape integration; 
  • Contribute to developing integrated theoretical models more sensitive to institutional variation.

IFFS is a project partner in this project and below are listen people at IFFS who are part of it. The project is based at FAFO, Institutt for arbeidslivs- og velferdsforskning where you find the project manager Jon Horgen.



Principal Investigator

Project members

Jan O. Jonsson Professor, Sociology
Carina Mood Professor, Sociology
