How to solve the climate crisis together

This projects aims to solve ideological conflicts when it comes to climate politics, by suggesting climate work that aligns with the different ideologies' values.

A handbook of cross-party climate measures

Ideological disagreements slow down political climate efforts more than desirable. These ideological disagreements are largely ethical and relate to different values and goals. Political measures proposed in the name of climate often directly align with a single ideology and the values it embraces, thereby complicating acceptance across the political spectrum.

This project aims to compile, based on existing climate ethics research, a portfolio of cross-party climate measures that take into account the diversity of ideologies and values at stake in the climate policy context. The compilation will be presented in a handbook. The goal is to design and communicate the handbook in a way that ensures maximum accessibility.

The project's target audience is climate organizations such as WWF Sweden, Naturskyddsföreningen, and Greenpeace, which work to promote climate action. Through workshops, seminars, digital dissemination via social media, and a dedicated website, the project intends to help eliminate ideological roadblocks in climate action.



Principal Investigator

Olle Torpman Associate Professor, Philosophy

Other project members

