
E-mail address to a certain person consists of:

[email protected] (english characters only ö-o, ä-a, å-a) 

Erik Angner
Erik Angner
Professor, Practical Philosophy
Gustaf Arrhenius
Gustaf Arrhenius
Director and Professor, Practical Philosophy
Tina Askanius
Tina Askanius
Associate Professor in Media and Communication Studies
Frida Bender
Frida Bender
Associate Professor, Meteorology
John Broome
John Broome
Emeritus White’s Professor, Moral Philosophy
Moa Bursell
Moa Bursell
Associate Professor in Sociology and research leader at the Institute for Futures Studies
Karin Bäckstrand
Karin Bäckstrand
Professor, Environmental Social Science
Kimmo Eriksson
Kimmo Eriksson
Professor, mathematics/applied mathematics
Eva Erman
Eva Erman
Professor, Political Science
Josef Hien
Josef Hien
Researcher in political science
Göran Holmqvist
Göran Holmqvist
PhD, Peace- and Development Research
Staffan Julén
Staffan Julén
Head of communications, Artistic Researcher
Martin Kolk
Martin Kolk
Associate Professor, Demography
Johan Mellberg
Johan Mellberg
Adjunct Associate Professor, Finance
Erik Mohlin
Erik Mohlin
Associate Professor, Economics
Hernan Mondani
Hernan Mondani
Associate Professor in Sociology, MSc., Engineering Physics
Stephanie Plenty
Stephanie Plenty
Associate Professor, Sociology; PhD, Psychology
Wlodek Rabinowicz
Wlodek Rabinowicz
Senior Professor, Practical Philosophy
Rebecca Selberg
Rebecca Selberg
Associate Professor, Sociology & Gender Studies
Dean Spears
Dean Spears
Assistant Professor, Economics
Katie Steele
Katie Steele
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Pontus Strimling
Pontus Strimling
Associate Professor, Economics
E-mail: [email protected] (please note that this e-mail is attended by my Lab Manager)
Gabriel Söderberg
Gabriel Söderberg
Associate Professor in Economic History
Folke Tersman
Folke Tersman
Chair Professor, Practical Philosophy
Andrey Tibajev
Andrey Tibajev
PhD, Ethnic and Migration Studies
Olle Torpman
Olle Torpman
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Jason Tucker
Jason Tucker
Associate Professor, Social and Policy Sciences
Nanda Wijermans
Nanda Wijermans
Associate Professor in Computer Science and System Science