Andreas Duit

Andreas Duit works in the field of comparative environmental politics and policy, with special focus on the role of the state in addressing environmental problems. Duit is a currently Professor at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University and at the Institute for Future Studies, as well as a Guest Professor at Political Science Unit, Luleå University of Technology.

At Stockholm university, Duit is the co-director of the leading research area Environmental Politics, Policy, and Learning (EPPLE) and co-PI of the Comparative Policy Laboratory (COMPLAB). Duit has also been a visiting scholar at the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University, Bloomington, and Department of Political Science, University of Washington. Having served as PI for nine larger projects from FORMAS, MISTRA, FORTE, the Swedish Research Council, and the Marcus and Marianne Wallenberg foundation, Duit has extensive experience of scientific leadership. 

Duit’s work has appeared in outlets such as British Journal of Political Science, Climate Policy, Environmental Politics, Governance, Global Environmental Change, Nature Human Behavior, Public Administration, Political Studies, Regulation and Governance, and MIT Press.     

