Erica Falkenström

Tel: +46 70 594 60 07
Photo: Cato Lein

I am a researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies and an associated researcher at the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB) at Uppsala University.

My research focuses on ethical dimensions of healthcare management, governance, and organization. More specifically, I study the role of expert reports in healthcare leadership and governance, preparedness for health crises, and ethical competence in healthcare leadership, management and governance. In 2021, I was awarded the Ethics Prize by the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics (Smer), with the following motivation: “…for her efforts in highlighting the importance of ethical competence in healthcare leadership and the role of ethical analysis in decisions regarding healthcare management and organization.”

At the Institute for Futures Studies, I have led the project Power over knowledge bases: formation, content, and consequences where we examined the content of knowledge and power over reports that are commissioned, produced, and serve as a foundation for decisions regarding healthcare management, governance, and organization. In the ongoing project Swedish preparedness for creeping health crises and organizational learning after the swine flu, heatwave, and coronavirus pandemic we highlight lessons learned by four regions following three health crises. Additionally, we contribute insights on how preparedness can be strengthened.

Three recently published works

