Eva Erman

Tel: +46 70 667 48 87

Professor Department of Political Science, Stockholm University and Pro Futura Fellow at SCAS in Uppsala. Before 2015 I was a full professor at the Department of Government, at Uppsala University.

I work in the field of political philosophy. My research focuses on democratic theory, specifically on questions of democracy beyond the state, in a global context, as well as methodological and metatheoretical questions in political theory, such as questions about ideal and non-ideal theory and feasibility.

Three recently published works:

  • Erman, Eva. 2018. The Practical Turn in Political Theory. Edinburgh University Press (with Niklas Möller).

  • Erman, Eva. 2018. "A Function-Sensitive Approach to the Political Legitimacy of Global Governance." British Journal of Political Science (Online First).

  • Erman, Eva. 2018. "Where is Political Realism Going?" Journal of Politics 80 (2): 525-538 (with Niklas Möller).

Three frequently cited works:

  • Erman, Eva. 2015. "Political Legitimacy in the Real Normative World: The Priority of Morality and the Autonomy of the Political." British Journal of Political Science 45, No. 1:215-233 (with Niklas Möller).

  • Erman, Eva. 2009. "What is Wrong with Agonistic Pluralism? Reflections on Conflict in Democratic Theory." Philosophy & Social Criticism 35, No. 9: 1039-1062.

  • Erman, Eva. 2010. "Deliberative Global Governance and the Question of Legitimacy: What Can We Learn from the WTO?" Review of International Studies 36, No. 2:449-470 (with Richard Higgott).

