Jason Tucker

I am a researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the AI Policy Lab, the Department of Computing Science, Umeå University. I am also a Visting Research Fellow at AI & Society, the Department of Technology and Society, LTH, Lund University. My research interests include AI and health, the global political economy of AI, public policy, citizenship, human rights and global governance. I currently lead the research project The Politics of AI and Health: From Snake Oil to Social Good funded by WASP-HS. Within this I am particularly interested in developing interdisciplinary approaches to better support policy making on the future role of AI in healthcare. Previously I have worked on law and policy reform, citizenship and public sector digitalisation, having done so for the United Nations, civil society, industry and in academia.

For more information about me, check my LU website and my Google Scholar page. There you will also find publications from the project Politics of AI & Health, published earlier than 2024.

Three recently published works

Tucker, J. (2024). Artificial intelligence, datafication and exploring the minimum content of nationality. Statelessness & Citizenship Rev., 6, 124.

Tucker, J., & Lorig, F. (2024). Agent-based social simulations for health crises response: utilising the everyday digital health perspective. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1337151.

Strange, M., & Tucker, J. (2024). A Paradigm Shift in Plain Sight? AI and the Future of Healthcare in the Nordic States. Nordisk välfärdsforskning, (2), 168-179.

Three often cited works

Tucker, J. (2023). The future vision (s) of AI health in the Nordics: comparing the national AI strategies. Futures, 149, 103154.

Tucker, J. (2018). Why here? Factors influencing Palestinian refugees from Syria in choosing Germany or Sweden as asylum destinations. Comparative migration studies, 6(1), 29.

Tucker, J. (2014). Questioning de facto Statelessness: By Looking at de facto Citizenship. Tilburg law review, 19(1-2), 276-284.

