I am a Professor in Media and Communication Studies at the Department of Media Studies, Stockholm university. My research broadly concerns the role of news and documentary images and image practices in the social and cultural (re)production of meaning, power, and memory, especially in times of war and crisis. In recent years, my research has revolved around the increasingly important role that digital mobile cameras and online platforms play in the communication and conduct of war, political conflict and protest. I have published several ethnographically-based studies of how the current explosion of activist and citizen-created eyewitness imagery is recasting the production, reception and recollection of national and global crisis news; and of how new digital forms and practices of camera-mediated activism in the Middle East contributes to produce and contest political power.
At the Institute for Future Studies I head the project Eyewitness video and Human Rights Practice that examines how the proliferating forms and practices of digital eyewitness video are reshaping ways of doing and understanding human rights.