Säde Hormio

I am a researcher in Ethics of coordination at the Institute for Futures Studies. I am also affiliated with Practical Philosophy at the University of Helsinki.

My research focuses on shared and collective responsibility, which includes questions such as what is the role of individuals for amending collectively caused harms, or what we mean by the responsibility of collective agents like corporations or governments. I am also interested in social epistemology, especially on the mechanisms that lead to best epistemic outcomes regarding institutional knowledge.

I was awarded my PhD in 2018, with collective responsibility as the topic of my thesis. The next year, I began a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship for my research project 'Complicity: Individual Responsibility in Collective Contexts'. I have authored a number of articles, including ‘Collective responsibility for climate change’, forthcoming in WIREs Climate Change. I am currently writing my first book-length monograph ‘Taking Responsibility for Climate Change’, under contract with Palgrave Macmillan.

For more information on my research and publications, visit my page at the University of Helsinki.

