My work sits at the nexus of psychology and sociology, addressing inequalities in adolescents’ and young adults’ well-being, and the importance of social contexts for positive development. Specific areas include school engagement and achievement, mental health, social integration and employment. My work on social contexts focuses on socioeconomic and immigrant background, social relationships and school contextual effects.
At the Institute for Futures Studies, I lead a project about inequalities in educational outcomes due to gender and immigrant background (Dreamers). I am also part of the projects: Early Labour Market Outcomes of Young Adults (YOUNGWORK) and Integration of Youth in Sweden in a Multidimensional Perspective. I am a member of the CILS4EU project, a longitudinal study about the integration of children of immigrants in four European countries (Sweden, England, Germany, Netherlands). I am also a member of Swedish Level-of-Living (LNU) research group at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI).