I am a researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies and associate professor at Linköping University. My main research interests lie in ethics and political philosophy. In ethics I am particularly interested in topics of normative ethics such as consequentialism, the principle that ‘ought’ implies ‘can’, and axiology. In political philosophy I am particularly interested in normative democratic theory.
From Value to Rightness: Consequentialism, Action-Guidance, and the Perspective-Dependence of Moral Duties. New York and London: Routledge.
“Prioritarianism, Timeslices, and Prudential Value” (with Anders Herlitz), Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (3), pp. 595–604.
“Is the All-Subjected Principle Extensionally Adequate?”, Res Publica 27, pp. 387–407.
“Objective Consequentialism and the Rationales of ‘“Ought” Implies “Can”’”, Ratio 30 (1), pp. 72–87.
“Objective Consequentialism and the Licensing Dilemma”, Philosophical Studies 162 (3), pp. 547–566.
“Is It Bad to Be Disabled? Adjudicating Between the Mere-difference and the Bad- difference Views of Disability” (with Joachim Wündisch), Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy 9 (3), pp. 1–16.