
Cultural heritage, law and war

Datum: 17 september 2018
Tid: 09:30-17:00

The destruction of cultural property in war zones is of pressing concern. The recent and on-going conflicts in the Middle East have featured both the deliberate, symbolic destruction of cultural artefacts and sites by ISIS, such as the destruction of the Temple of Bel, and the incidental damaging of such sites during combat, such as the damage to the site of Ancient Babylon by the US military. The issues raised by cultural heritage protection are a huge challenge to international law, theories of the ethics of war, and theories of heritage.

This seminar brings together speakers from philosophy, archaeology, political science and international law. Topics to be discussed include the protection of heritage as a just cause for war, identity wars, military policy and heritage, the relationship between heritage and violence, and compensatory duties for damaged cultural sites.

09.30–09.45 Welcome and Introduction

09.45–10.45 Helen Frowe, Philosophy, Stockholm University
Cultural Heritage as a Just Cause for War

11.00–11.15 Coffee

11.15–12.15 Frederik Rosen, Senior Research, Centre for Advanced Studies at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
War and cultural property in the era of identity wars

13.30–14.30 Joakim Kreutz, Political Science, Stockholm University
Who attacks heritage in war, and what effect does it have on subsequent violence? Findings from global research on attacks on sacred spaces, 1989-2014

14.40–15.40 Martin Hamilton, Centre for International Law and Operational Law, Swedish Defence University
The legal challenges of protecting cultural property in military operations

15.40–16.00 Coffee

16.00–17.00 Derek Matravers, Philosophy, Open University
The Duty to Compensate for Injustice as Applied to Reconstruction

The seminar is free to attend, but registration is required. Please e-mail [email protected] to register.

This seminar will be followed by a public breakfast seminar on Tuesday the 18th of September, where some of the discussions will be presented. Read more about it and register here.

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