
Jonathan White: In the Long Run - the Future as a Political Idea

Datum: 14 februari 2024
Tid: 10:00-11:45

Venue: Institutet för framtidsstudier, Holländargatan 13, 4th floor, Stockholm, or online.

Research seminar with Jonathan White, Professor of Politics, London School of Economics.

-- Please note that this seminar replaces the seminar with Lukas Meyer who had to cancel on short notice. That seminar will be rescheduled to a later date. --


Introduction to Jonathan White's new book In the Long Run: the Future as a Political Idea. A revealing history of the future as a political idea, from the Enlightenment to the current climate crisis. Democracy is future-oriented and self-correcting: today's problems can be solved, we are told, in tomorrow's elections. But the biggest issues facing the modern world - from climate collapse and pandemics to recession and world war - each apparently bring us to the edge of the irreversible. What happens to democracy when the future seems no longer open? Jonathan White investigates how politics has long been directed by shifting visions of the future.

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