
UPPSKJUTET. NYTT DATUM KOMMER. Katya Rhodes: Designing politically acceptable and effective climate policies: Insights from British Columbia, Canada

Dr.Katya Rhodes comes from British Columbia, Canada, to share her academic research findings and government policy-making experiences on how to designpolitically acceptable and effective policies to mitigate climate change usingBritish Columbia’s climate policies as a case study. 

Datum: 20 maj 2020
Tid: 10:00-12:00

Seminariet är uppskjutet. Nytt datum meddelas senare.


Several criteria are usually considered when choosing among climatepolicy options. If the policy is ineffective, it will not achieve thegreenhouse gas emission reduction goal. If the policy is effective andeconomically efficient, it could achieve the goal at a relatively low cost. Butif the policy is likely to trigger strong opposition from an influentialsegment of the public, its inability to achieve political acceptability mayprevent its implementation, even by politicians who are keen to reduceemissions. 

Dr. Katya Rhodes will give a talk on what makes climate policiesboth politically acceptable and effective in reducing emissions using resultsfrom her policy evaluation and survey studies. Dr. Rhodes will also build onher experiences working as a Senior Economic Advisor in the British Columbia(BC) Climate Action Secretariat where she led economic analyses for theprovincial CleanBC climate plan using energy-economy models.

The talk will cover a variety of topics ranging from Canadian climatepolicy implementation contexts, emissions reductions and economic costs ofBritish Columbia’s climate policies, the role of citizen knowledge in policysupport, and political support for carbon taxes versus regulations. Dr. Rhodeswill also discuss her new research program that welcomes opportunities forcollaborations with Scandinavian researchers. 

Seminariet hålls hos oss på Holländargatan 13 i Stockholm. Ingen föranmälan krävs. Välkommen!

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