Öppet seminarium

Frukostseminarium: Kulturarv i krig

Datum: 18 september 2018
Tid: 08:30-10:00

Att värdefulla kulturella platser och objekt förstörs i krigszoner är något som har blivit tydligt under de senaste årens konflikter i Mellanöstern. Hur kan dessa skyddas? I september håller forskare från AHRC-finansierade "Heritage in war"-projektet tillsammans med Institutet för Framtidsstudier en workshop för att diskutera utmaningarna, och den 18 september presenteras resultaten av diskussionerna på ett öppet frukostseminarium. Seminariet hålls på engelska.

The destruction of cultural property in war zones is of pressing concern. The recent and on-going conflicts in the Middle East have featured both the deliberate, symbolic destruction of cultural artefacts and sites by ISIS, such as the destruction of the Temple of Bel, and the incidental damaging of such sites during combat, such as the damage to the site of Ancient Babylon by the US military. The issues raised by cultural heritage protection are a huge challenge to international law, theories of the ethics of war, and theories of heritage.
What are the most problematic aspects of heritage protection, and what possible solutions could we find to these problems? The speakers are drawn from philosophy, archaeology, political science and international law. Topics to be discussed include the protection of heritage as a just cause for war, identity wars, military policy and heritage, the relationship between heritage and violence, and compensatory duties for damaged cultural sites.

Helen Frowe, Director of the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
Derek Matravers, Professor of Philosophy, Open University
Frederik Rosen, Senior Research, Centre for Advanced Studies at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

Tid: Tisdag 18 september, kl. 08.30–10.00 med smörgås och te/kaffe från kl. 08.00 - ÄNDRAD TID!
Plats: Institutet för Framtidsstudier, Holländargatan 13 i Stockholm

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