
Long-run income and wealth inequality, and the potential impact on inheritance flows

Datum: 19 september 2014
Tid: 13.00–14.30

Jesper Roine, docent vid Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, Handelshögskolan

I will present what we know about long run income and wealth distribution across countries and also connect these findings to potential theories for the dynamics we observe. I will also connect to ongoing work on how these findings potentially relate to the importance of inheritance in relation to other incomes.

Seminariet kommer att utgå ifrån dessa två artiklar:

Long-Run Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth (pdf)
Inherited wealth over the path of development: Sweden, 1810­2010 (pdf)

Läs mer om Jesper Roine

Jesper skriver på bloggen Ekonomistas

Seminariet hålls på engelska i Institutets lokaler på Holländargatan 13. Det är kostnadsfritt att delta. Välkommen!

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