
Matthias Matthijs: Integration at What Price? The Erosion of National Democracy in the Euro Periphery

Datum: 26 oktober 2016
Tid: 10:00–12:00

Matthias Matthijs, Assistant Professor of International Political Economy at SAIS in Washington, DC

The advent of the euro crisis brought back a gap between North and South in Europe not just in standards of living and economic performance, but also in the strength of national democracies. This paper investigates the tension between ‘dis-embedded’ markets governed by an EU technocracy and nationally ‘embedded’ democratic politics. Starting from a Polanyian perspective, and building on Dani Rodrik’s globalization ‘trilemma,’ the paper studies the strength of national democratic governments in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland from an input, throughput, and output lens since 2010, and concludes that the Eurozone’s crisis policies are incompatible with national democratic choice.

Matthias forskning har fokus på ekonomiska kriser och dess politik, på den roll ekonomiska idéer har i utformandet av ekonomisk politik, ojämlikhet och den minskade tilliten till demokrati i industriländer.

Se Matthias bli intervjuad om Margaret Thatcher och hennes ekonomiska politik.

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