
UPPSKJUTET. NYTT DATUM KOMMER. Moa Bursell: Can implicit bias be reduced through training? (Webbinarium)

Datum: 27 maj 2020
Tid: 10:00-12:00

Seminariet hålls online

Can implicit bias be reduced through training? Individual and group-level effects among Swedish social workers

Moa Bursell är postdoktoral forskare i sociologi. Hennes forskning rör fördomar, etnisk inkludering, exkludering och gränsdragningar på arbetsmarknaden.


Implicitbias reduction programs have become increasingly popular among organizationsthat aim to improve equality and to counteract discriminatory behaviour.However, recent evidence from the field of psychology suggest that it is verydifficult to reduce implicit bias over the long-term. Critics have thus arguedthat programs aiming to reduce implicit bias are not helpful in decreasingunequal treatment and discrimination in organizations. While mostpsychological accounts perceive implicit bias as an individual disposition, analternative, sociological approach is that it primarily reflects the situationsin which the individuals are located. This approach is consistent with findingsof implicit bias being more stable at aggregate levels than at the individuallevel. Thus, it may be possible to reduce the level of implicit bias at theorganizational level, while at the same time observing no significant effect atthe individual level. In thepresent study, we have tried to reduce implicit bias over the long term with aprogram inspired by Patricia Devine’s (2012) habit-breaking intervention.Participants are social workers conducting the program as a part of theorganizations’ diversity work. The effects of the program are studied both atthe individual and at the organizational level.  

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