
UPPSKJUTET. NYTT DATUM KOMMER. Nicole J. Hassoun: Aiding the Poor in Present and Future Generation

Datum: 1 april 2020
Tid: 10:00-12:00

Seminariet är uppskjutet. Nytt datum meddelas senare.

Nicole J.Hassoun, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Binghamton University.


This paper discusses and brings together two lines of research on global justice – one on aiding the poor and another on obligations to those in future generations. This is important as almost any way we try to aid the poor will have a significant impact on poor people in future as well as present generations. In surveying the literature, the paper defends a few principles for aiding the poor in present and future generations. It also presents a highly abstract model for testing, and thinking through the consequences of, such principles that might help arbitrate between principles.

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