
Non Ideal Social Ontology III

Datum: 11 - 12 juni 2018
Tid: 09:00-16:00

By 'non-ideal social ontology', we have in mind social ontology that starts with difficult, complicated cases of immediate importance to social theory, rather than starting from simplified or abstracted examples and deferring consideration of more messy phenomena.

Our thinking is that just as critical philosophers of race such as Charles Mills have made a case for the importance of non-ideal political philosophy, non-ideal social ontology could play an important role in advancing emancipatory social theory.

11th of June: Implicit bias
09.00 Welcome
09.15–10.30 Robin Zheng (Yale-NUS College) “Responding to Bias: Oughts, Ideals, and Appraisals”
11.00–12.15 Åsa Burman (Stockholm University & Institute for Futures Studies) ”Collective responsibility for implicit bias”

12.15–13.30 Lunch

13.30–14.45 Katharina Berndt Rasmussen (Institute for Futures Studies) ”Implicit bias and discrimination”
15.15–16.30 Alex Madva (California State Polytechnic University), ”Responsibility for Interpreting Implicit Bias”

19.00 Workshop dinner

Room: Meeting room, Institute for Futures Studies, Holländargatan 13, Stockholm

12th of June: Social ontology
09.00–10.15 Rebecca Mason (University of San Francisco) ”Oppression and Incredulity”
10.30–11.45 Johan Brännmark (Malmö University) ”Institutions, Ideology, and Non-Ideal Social Ontology”

11.45–13.15 Lunch

13.15–14.30 Staffan Carlshamre (Stockholm University) ”Natural kinds, social kinds, mixed kinds”
14.45–16.00 Katharine Jenkins (University of Nottingham) ”Sex and gender, grounding and anchoring”

Room: Bergsmannen, Aula Magna, Stockholm University Campus

Organized by Åsa Burman & Katharina Berndt Rasmussen.

Sponsored by Jane and Dan Olsson Foundation, Institute for Futures Studies, and the Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University

Questions? Please contact: [email protected]

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