
Rodney Edvinsson: An Economic Philosophy of Production, Work and Consumption

Datum: 8 februari 2023
Tid: 10:00-11:45

Place: Institute for Futures Studies, Holländargatan 13, Stockholm or online


Research seminar with Rodney Edvinsson, professor of economic history, Stockholm University.

The book An Economic Philosophy of Production, Work and Consumption presents a new transhistorical framework of defining production, work and consumption. It shows that they all share the common feature of intentional physical transformation of something external to the agent, at some point in time.

The book opens with a discussion of various theoretical traditions within economics, spanning mainstream and heterodox perspectives, and problems with production definitions in use today. Next, the author outlines various definitions in a more formal manner and provides a discussion on measurement and the production boundary. Unproductive work is redefined as socially reproductive, i.e. such that would not be performed on a Robinson Crusoe Island. Finally, the volume applies the new conceptual framework to various historical cases and discusses the future of production, work and consumption.

Join the seminar online or at the Institute for Futures Studies. If you will join on site, please check the box in the registration form.

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