Öppet seminarium

The Future of Catalonia in Spain and Europe. In or out?

Datum: 24 oktober 2017
Tid: 08:30–10:00

In the last months, Spain and Catalonia have experienced an exceptional political crisis. On October 1st, 2017, a referendum took place in Catalonia to decide whether it should separate from Spain, which resulted in a majority of those who voted supporting secession on a turnout of 42%. The central government of Spain didn’t recognise the legitimacy of the referendum, remaining firmly against any attempt of secession of any territory within Spain. While the population of Catalonia and Spain is highly divided in their opinion on this matter, the government of Spain and the Catalan government decide whether to negotiate, a proposal to which Catalan secessionists are opposed. Decisions made within the near future is likely to be of great importance for not only the future of Spain but also the future of Europe.

In this seminar we will address, among other things, the following issues:

  • The recent history of the Catalan secessionist movement
  • Nationalism and the challenge to cosmopolitanism
  • Constitutional reforms – who can demand them and how should they be done?
  • Secession within the EU – how should it be understood?
  • Similarities and differences between the Catalan secessionist movement and other recent secessionist movements such as Brexit.

Professor Jose Luis Marti, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law, University Pompeu Fabra (UPF),  Barcelona.
Prof Marti works among other things on issues concerning democracy, the concept of democratic culture, and the recent political movements in Spain. His research focuses too on global democracy, constitutional philosophy, or philosophy of international law. He has published a number of papers on these issues and he has co-author, together with Philip Pettit, the book A Political Philosophy in Public Life. Civil Republicanism in Zapatero’s Spain, published by Princeton University Press in 2010.
Read more about Jose Luis Marti here

Dr Niklas Bremberg, Research Fellow, Swedish Institute for International Affairs (UI), Stockholm.
Dr Bremberg is a Research Fellow at the European Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). His research focuses on regional security practices, security communities and EU foreign and security policy, especially in the southern Mediterranean. He has recently published the book Diplomacy and Security Community-Building: EU and crisis management in the Western Mediterranean, published by Routledge. He was a visiting researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus in 2009. Dr Bremberg has also recently acted as a commentator on the Catalan political crisis and independence movement in Catalonia in several Swedish media, such as ExpressenTv.
Read more about Niklas Bremberg here

Dr Katharina Berndt Rasmussen

Moderator: Dr Julia Mosquera

Time: Tuesday the 24th of October, at 08.30–10.00, with a light breakfast from 08.00
Place: Institute for Futures Studies, Holländargatan 13 in Stockholm

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