Öppet seminarium

The Future of Democracy

Datum: 6 mars 2014
Tid: 13.00–15.30

How to face the challenge of the protest movements?

In this presentation Chantal Mouffe will examine the recent Occupy movements in order to grasp the nature of the challenge that they pose to representative democracy.

No doubt those new forms of protests bring to fore the existence of a crisis of representation in liberal democratic societies. Bu do they indicate that representative institutions have become obsolete and need to be abandoned and replaced by 'horizontalist' forms as some people assert? Or do they call for a deepening and radicalization of representative democray, not for its demise? Using the theoretical approach that I have developed in my recent work, I will argue that the central problem with our current 'post-democratic' societies is the lack of an 'agonistic' debate that will allow people to have not only a vote but also a real voice in the decisions that concern their future.

Huvudtalare: Chantal Mouffe, professor i statsvetenskap
Kommentatorer: Olof Petersson, statsvetare och Stefan Jonsson, litteraturvetare och kritiker.
Moderator: Hans Ruin, filosof och skribent.

Plats: Armémuseum, Riddargatan 13 i Stockholm. Ingång på kortsidan.
Tid: 6 mars, kl. 13.00–15.30, inklusive efterföljande fika.

Seminariet kommer att hållas på engelska.

Ett anmälningsformulär kommer att läggas ut i slutet av januari.



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