
The Interplay between Employment and Family Trajectories Across the Life Course

Datum: 21 november 2014
Tid: 13.00–14.30

Anette Eva Fasang, Humboldt-University Berlin & WZB Berlin Social Science Center

The Interplay between Employment and Family Trajectories Across the Life Course: Germany and the United States in Comparison.

Anette will present a paper that analyzes the social stratification of joint employment and family trajectories from early adulthood into midlife in two different welfare state contexts: Germany and the United States between 1978 and 2009. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth for the United States and the National Education Panel for Germany, results from sequence analysis and regression models show pronounced cross-country differences.

In Germany, joint employment and family trajectories are gender-specific across the entire social structure: there are similarly strong gender effects for people in low, medium and high prestige employment trajectories. In contrast, in the United States, employment and family trajectories are only gendered at the bottom of the social structure, whereas employment-family trajectories that are typical at the top of the social structure are equally accessible to men and women.

Läs mer om Anette Eva Fasang

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