
The Third Annual Stockholm Region Workshop on Economics and Philosophy

Datum: 6 september 2019
Tid: 08:30-16:45

Date: 5–6 September 2019
Venue: Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm, Sweden
Adress: Holländargatan 13, 4th floor [Google maps]
Phone: +46-8-402 12 00

The Annual Stockholm Region Workshop on Economics & Philosophy aims to facilitate interactions between economists and philosophers in the Stockholm region. The 2019 edition is co-hosted by the Institute for Futures Studies (IF)Stockholm University (SU)KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the University of Southern California (USC) under grant NIH/NIA R01-AG051903.

The Workshop is free and open to the public, but the number of seats is limited and registration is required. Register here!

For details se attached schedule.

Organizers: Erik Angner (SU & IF) and Till Grüne–Yanoff (KTH)
Please direct any questions to [email protected]

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