
Trade Unions and Redistributive Politics

Datum: 25 oktober 2013
Tid: 13.00-14.30

Jonas Pontusson, Department of Political Science, University of Geneva.

Läs mer om Jonas Pontusson på University of Genevas webbplats

The talk will integrate arguments and empirical findings of two papers that I am currently working on. One paper explores the consequences of union decline for inequality and redistributive politics by looking at aggregate country-level data (OECD countries). The paper argues that the association between unionization and egalitarian outcomes has become weaker over time, partly because union decline has been accompanied by an upwards shift of the position of union members in the income distribution. The second paper uses ESS survey data to explore why it is that union members tend to be more supportive of redistribution than other individuals with similar socio-demographic characteristics. The paper demonstrates that union membership primarily matters to the preferences of high-income individuals and that the egalitarian effect of union membership depends on the organizational structure of national union movements.

Anmälan till forskarseminarierna.

Forskarseminarierna är gratis och och äger rum på fredagar kl. 13.00–14.30. Platsen är Institutet för Framtidsstudier, Holländargatan 13 i Stockholm.

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