Öppet seminarium

Webinar: The Urgency of Prototyping Better Futures

Datum: 21 juni 2022
Tid: 18:00-19:30

If we wish to achieve a more inclusive, sustainable, diverse and equitable world, we urgently need a diversity of perspectives to imagine – and to build – better futures. The problems we face today are so wicked that it is critical that people from all disciplines, experiences, abilities and perspectives come together to think like futurists, question like artists and act like designers. 

Based on experiments made at the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro, this presentation will show how positive futures can be prototyped to inspire change. Using key techniques, processes, methodologies, mindsets and tools, you too can become an active participant in shaping preferred futures!

Welcome to a seminar with Marcela Sabino, a foresight strategist, creative director and innovation designer.

This seminar is organized by Positive Future and is free upon registration. Find more information and link to registration here.

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