
Här hittar du texter skrivna av forskare som är knutna till Institutet för framtidsstudier. Alla publikationer utgör inte resultatet av forskning inom Institutets forskningsprogram, men genom sina författare och ämnen knyter de an till vår verksamhet.
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Dual Climate Change Responsibility: on the moral divergences between mitigation and adaptation

Duus-Otterström, Göran & Sverker Jagers | 2016

Sociologi som konstform

| 2016

Allocating adaptation finance: examining three ethical arguments for recipient control

Duus-Otterström, Göran | 2016

Basic Income in the Capitalist Economy: The Mirage of ‘Exit’ From Employment

& De Wispelaere, J. | 2016

Developing ethical competence in healthcare management

Falkenström, Erica , Ohlsson, J. & Höglund, A.T. | 2016

Denial of anthropogenic climate change: Social dominance orientation helps explain the conservative male effect in Brazil and Sweden

Jylhä, Kirsti , Clara Cantal, Nazar Akrami & Taciano L. Milfont | 2016

Våldets sociala dimensioner

Edling, Christofer & Amir Rostami (red.) | 2016

Animalism and the Varieties of Conjoined Twinning

Campbell, Tim & Jeff McMahan | 2016

Explaining the reliability of moral beliefs

Tersman, Folke | 2016

Desirability of Conditionals

Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2016

Självcensur, yttrandejämlikhet och yttrandefrihet

Beckman, Ludvig | 2016

Vi måste ha ett nytt sätt att finansiera forskning

Svallfors, Stefan & Mattias Marklund | 2016

Forskningspolitik som kunskapshinder

Svallfors, Stefan | 2016

The Origins and Maintenance of Female Genital Modification across Africa

Strimling, Pontus , Ross, Cody T., Paige Ericksen, Karen, Lindenfors, Patrik & Monique Borgerhoff Mulder | 2016

Disparities in depressive symptoms between heterosexual and lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth in a Dutch cohort: The TRAILS Study

Tina Kretschmer, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, René Veenstra, Albertine J. Oldehinkel | 2016

"Most MPs are not all that sharp." Political employees and representative democracy

Svallfors, Stefan | 2016

Att lämna våldsbejakande extremism. En kunskapsöversikt

| 2016

Desire, Expectation, and Invariance

Stefánsson, H. Orri & Richard Bradley | 2016

Det digitala samhällskontraktet

Ekholm, Anders | 2016

Digitaliseringen och välfärden: nya möjligheter och utmaningar

Jebari, Karim | 2016

DNA - till nytta för vår hälsa?

Ekholm, Anders | 2016

How much scope for a mobility paradox? The relationship between social and income mobility in Sweden

Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. , Richard Breen | 2016

Knowing the game: motivation and skills among policy professionals

Svallfors, Stefan | 2016

Knowing the Game: Motivations and Skills Among Partisan Policy Professionals

Svallfors, Stefan | 2016

Out of the Golden Cage: PR and the career opportunities of policy professionals

Svallfors, Stefan | 2016

Politics as organized combat – new players and new rules of the game in Sweden

Svallfors, Stefan | 2016

Population Ethics and Different-Number-Based Imprecision

Arrhenius, Gustaf | 2016

Poverty trends during two recessions and two recoveries: Lessons from Sweden 1991—2013

Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. , Erik Bihagen | 2016

Social Exclusion among Peers: The Role of Immigrant Status and Classroom Immigrant Density.

Plenty, Stephanie , Jonsson, Jan O. | 2016

What Is ‘Real’ in Probabilism?

Stefánsson, H. Orri | 2016

Social dominance orientation and climate change denial: The role of dominance and system justification

Jylhä, Kirsti & Nazar Akrami | 2015

Rethinking the Green State: Environmental Governance toward Climate and Sustainability Transitions

Bäckstrand, Karin & A. Kronsell | 2015

The Value of Existence

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Wlodek Rabinowicz | 2015

Value Superiority

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Rabinowicz , Wlodek | 2015

The complexity of crime network data: A case study of its consequences for crime control and the study of networks.

Mondani, Hernan , Rostami, Amir | 2015

Allegiance Eroding: People’s Dwindling Willingness to Fight in Wars

Puranen, Bi | 2015

Being and Well-Being

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

Debunking and Disagreement

Tersman, Folke | 2015

Declining willingness to fight for one’s country: The individual-level basis of the long peace

Puranen, Bi , Inglehart R.F., Welzel C, | 2015

Det biologiska samhället

Ekholm, Anders | 2015

Disease prioritarianism: A Flawed Principle

Jebari, Karim | 2015

Erkännandets sociologi

| 2015