Population Aging And The Generational Economy
, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup | 2012
Rum för Barn? Boende och förstabarnsfödslar i Sverige 1972-2005
Sara Ström 2012
Social Assistance dynamics in Sweden: Duration dependence and heterogeneity
Mood, Carina | 2012
Socioeconomic Persistence Across Generations: Cognitive and Noncognitive Processes
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. , Erik Bihagen | 2012
Surge Under Threat. The Rapid Increase of Women on Swedish Boards of Directors
Edling, Christofer , L. Bohman, M. Bygren | 2012
Sveriges socialförsäkringar i jämförande perspektiv
Tommy Ferrarini, Kenneth Nelson, Ola Sjöberg, Joakim Palme 2012
Testing the "old boys' network": Diversity and board interlocks in Scandinavia
Edling, Christofer , B. Hobdari, T. Randoy, A. Stafsudd, S. Thomsen | 2012
The prescription of oral contraceptives and its relation to the incidence of Chlamydia and abortion in Sweden 1997
, V. Halvarsson, S. Ström | 2012
The sensitivity of respondent-driven sampling
, X. Lu, L. Bengtsson, T. Britton, M. Camitz, B. J. Kim, A. Thorson | 2012
Urban Inequality and Political Recruitment
Gunnar Myrberg, Per Strömblad 2012
Var ska de nyanlända bo? Perspektiv från Malmö och Århus på svensk och dansk flyktingplaceringspolitik
Gunnar Myrberg 2012
Welfare States and Welfare Attitudes
Svallfors, Stefan | 2012
Where are newcomers going to live? Perspectives from Malmö and Århus on Swedish and Danish refugee dispersal policies
Gunnar Myrberg 2012
Visual attention and information transfer in human crowds
Andrew C. Gallup, Joe J. Hale, David J. T. Sumpter, Simon Garnier, Alex Kacelnik, John Krebs, Iain Couzin 2012
Välfärdsattityder, fattigdom och socialpolitisk organisering – om Staffan Marklunds intellektuella arv
Svallfors, Stefan , Halleröd, Björn; Rafael Lindqvist | 2012
Recension av G.A. Cohens Rescuing Justice and Equality
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2011
Kan mänskliga rättighetskränkningar ske i det privata?
Burman, Åsa | 2011
Should the probabilities count?
Berndt Rasmussen, Katharina | 2011
A Bedrock of Support? Trends in Welfare State Attitudes in Sweden, 1981–2010
Svallfors, Stefan | 2011
A Dynamical Approach to Stock Market Fluctuations
Stamatios C. Nicolis, David J.T. Sumpter 2011
A legacy of 'Uncivicness'? Social Capital and Radical Right-wing Voting in Eastern Europe
J. Rydgren 2011
A Weighted Configuration Model and Inhomogeneous Epidemics
, T. Britton, M. Deijfen | 2011
Ageing and the German Economy – Age-structure Effects Based on International Comparisons
Thomas Lindh, Bo Malmberg 2011
Analytical sociology
Peter Hedström, Petri Ylikoski 2011
Artiklar i Framtider nr 1/2011
Tema: Rum 2011
Artiklar i Framtider nr 2/2011
Tema: Kommunikation 2011
Artiklar i Framtider nr 3/2011
Tema: Hav 2011
Artiklar i Framtider nr 4/2011
Tema: Musik 2011
Barnen och välfärdspolitiken. Nordiska barndomar 1900-2000
Astri Andersen, Ólöf Gardarsdóttir, Monika Janfelt, Cecilia Lindgren, Pirjo Markkola och Ingrid Söderlind 2011
Bland Rolexklockor och smutsiga trosor
Anna Gavanas, Alexander Darin Mattsson 2011
Class, Values, and Attitudes Towards Redistribution: A European Comparison (2011)
Svallfors, Stefan | 2011
Communication activity in social networks: growth and correlations
, D. Rybski, Buldyrev S. V.,Havlin S, H.A. Makse | 2011
Cooperation, structure and hierarchy in multiadaptive games
, Sungmin Lee, Zhi-Xi Wu | 2011
Den politiska moms-debatten i Sverige efter 1990
Peter Johansson 2011
Den rimliga integrationen
Beckman, Ludvig | 2011
Dropping out in Scandinavia
Olof Bäckman 2011
Endogenous Norm Formation Over the Life Cycle – The Case of Tax Evasion
K Nordblom, J Žamac 2011
Föräldraskapets politik
Helena Bergman, Maria Eriksson, Roger Klinth 2011
Humanisterna och framtidssamhället
Julia Boguslaw, Anders Ekström, Lars Geschwind, Niklas Stenlås, Sverker Sörlin, Miriam Terrell, Eskil Wadensjö 2011
Inferring the Rules of Interaction of Shoaling Fish
Herbert-Read, James E, Andrea Perna, Richard P. Mann, Timothy M Schaerf, David J. T. Sumpter, Ashley J W Ward 2011
Interethnic Relations in Northern Iraq: Brokerage, Social Capital, and the Potential for Reconciliation
J. Rydgren, D. Sofi 2011
Intergenerational Redistribution in Sweden’s Public and Private Sectors
, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup | 2011
Long-Horizon Growth Forecasting and Demography
Lindh, Thomas 2011
Long-term Care Insurance in Germany
Hildegard Theobald 2011
Optimal Opportunities for Ethnic Organisation and Political Integration? Comparing Stockholm with Other European Cities
Per Strömblad, Gunnar Myrberg, Bo Bengtsson 2011
Pathlength scaling in graphs with incomplete navigational information
, Sang Hoon Lee | 2011
Patterns of Participation: Engagement among Ethnic Minorities and the Native Population in Oslo and Stockholm
Gunnar Myrberg, Jon Rogstad 2011