Policies and Strategies to Promote Social Equity in Health
Göran Dahlgren and Margaret Whitehead 2007
Wage Differences Between Women and Men in Sweden – the Impact of Skill Mismatch
Mats Johansson and Katarina Katz 2007
Bostadsbidrag och trångboddhet. Har 1997 års bostadsbidragsreform förbättrat bostadssituationen för barnen?
Cecilia Enström Öst 2006
Growth and Longevity from the Industrial Revolution to the Future of an Aging Society.
David de la Croix, Thomas Lindh and Bo Malmberg 2006
När är det dags för dagis? En studie om vid vilken ålder barn börjar förskola och föräldrars åsikt om detta
Ann-Zofie Duvander 2006
Segregation och utsatthet för egendomsbrott. Betydelsen av bostadsområdets resurser och individuella riskfaktorer
Felipe Estrada och Anders Nilsson 2006
The Sustainable Society in Swedish Politics – Renewal and Continuity
Torbjörn Lundqvist 2006
The Swedish Conservative Party and the Welfare State: Institutional Change and Adapting Preferences
Anders Lindbom 2006
Three Routes to a Pension Reform. Politics and Institutions in Reforming Pensions in Denmark, Finland and Sweden
Olli Kangas, Urban Lundberg and Niels Ploug 2006
Understanding Rural Change – Demography as a Key to the Future
Jan Amcoff and Erik Westholm 2006
A Leap in the Dark. From a Large Actor to a Large Approach: The Joint Committee of the Nordic Social Democratic Labour Movement and the Crisis of the Nordic Model
Urban Lundberg 2005
Continued Work or Retirement? Preferred Exit-age in Western European countries?
Ingrid Esser 2005
Den ojämlika utsattheten. Utsatthet för brott bland fattiga och rika 1984-2001
Anders Nilsson och Felipe Estrada 2005
Equity, Justice, Interdependence: Intergenerational Transfers and the Ageing Population
Ingrid Rydell 2005
Income Inequality and Growth: a Panel Study of Swedish Counties 1960-2000
Ruth-Aïda Nahum 2005
Income Inequality and Growth: a Panel Study of Swedish Counties 1960-2000
Ruth-Aïda Nahum 2005
Productivity Consequences of Workforce Ageing – Stagnation or a Horndal effect?
Bo Malmberg, Thomas Lindh and Max Halvarsson 2005
Rural Population Growth in Sweden in the 1990s: Unexpected Reality or Spatial-Statistical Chimera
Jan Amcoff 2005
Simulating the Future Pension Wealth and Retirement Saving in Sweden
Anna Röstberg, Björn Andersson and Thomas Lindh 2005
Social Democracy Lost – The Social Democratic Party in Sweden and the Politics of Pension Reform
Urban Lundberg 2005
Swedish Parental Leave and Gender Equality. Achievements and Reform Challenges in a European Perspective
Ann-Zofie Duvander, Tommy Ferrarini and Sara Thalberg 2005
The Employers in the Swedish Model: the Importance of Labour Market Competition and Organisation
Torbjörn Lundqvist 2005
Welfare States, Social Structure and the Dynamics of Poverty Rates. A comparative study of 16 countries, 1980-2000
Olof Bäckman 2005
Women's Return to Work after First Birth in Sweden during 1980-2000
Ying Hong and Diana Corman 2005
Women's Return to Work after First Birth in Sweden during 1980-2000
Ying Hong and Diana Corman 2005
Våldsutvecklingen i Sverige – En presentation och analys av sjukvårdsdata
Felipe Estrada 2005
Demographically Based Global Income Forecast up to the Year 2050
Bo Malmberg, Thomas Lindh 2004
Diskriminering i den statliga sektorn? – En utvärdering av det statliga pensionssystemet
Carl Barnekow 2004
Inkomstpremier av lärosäten för män och kvinnor som tog en examen under 1990-talet
Marie Gartell & Håkan Regnér 2004
Modes of Re-Territorialisation: Spatial Implications of Regional Competition Politics in Sweden
Erik Westholm 2004
Welfare Enhancing Marginal Tax Rates: The Case of Publicly Provided Day Care
Sören Blomquist and Vidar Christiansen 2004
Barnafödandets politik – en analys av partiernas argumentation i nativitetsfrågan 1997-2003
Sara Thalberg 2003
Cohort Effects on Earning Profiles: Evidence from Sweden
Susanne Dahlberg and Ruth-Aïda Nahum 2003