Demography and Finance –Finance and Growth

Paul Simon 2002

Arbetsrapport 2002 nr. 2

This paper provides an overview and survey of selected literature on effects of demographic change on financial markets and the role of financial intermediaries in promoting economic growth. It also provides a brief survey of the literature on pension reform. Pension reform may constitute a direct link from demography to economic growth through the mechanism of financial intermediaries.

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Arbetsrapport 2002 nr. 2

This paper provides an overview and survey of selected literature on effects of demographic change on financial markets and the role of financial intermediaries in promoting economic growth. It also provides a brief survey of the literature on pension reform. Pension reform may constitute a direct link from demography to economic growth through the mechanism of financial intermediaries.

Rapporten kan laddas ner gratis i PDF-format: Ladda ner Arbetsrapport 2002 nr.2

Det går även att beställa rapporten i tryckt format, pris: 46 kr (porto inkluderat)

Om du önskar beställa rapporten mot faktura, kontakta [email protected]