P. Hedström, B. Wittrock 2009
2009. Brill.
Peter Hedström and Björn Wittrock: Frontiers of Sociology
The legacy and frontiers of sociology
The Emergence of Universalism: An Affirmative Genealogy Hans Joas
The Social Sciences and the Two Relativisms Raymond Boudon
The Return to Values in Recent Sociological Theory Piotr Sztompka
Sociology and Political Science: Learning and Challenges Jack Goldstone
Toward a New Comprehensive Social Science Dietrich Rueschemeyer
Sociology and the historical sciences
History and Sociology: Transmutations of Historical Reasoning in the Social Sciences Björn Wittrock
Axial Visions and Axial Civilizations: The Transformations of World Histories Between Evolutionary Tendencies and Institutional Formations S. N. Eisenstadt
Social “Mechanisms” and Comparative-Historical Sociology: A Critical Realist Proposal Philip Gorski
Sociology and the economic sciences
Sociology and the Economic Sciences Neil Smelser
Formal Theory in the Social Sciences Richard Breen
Bourdieu’s Contribution to Economic Sociology Richard Swedberg
Sociology and the cultural sciences
Modernity as Experience and as Interpretation: Towards Something Like a Cultural Turn in the Sociology of “Modern Society” Peter Wagner
Geocultural Scenarios Ulf Hannerz
Sociology and the cognitive sciences
The Social Stance and Its Relation to Intersubjectivity Peter Gärdenfors
Shared Beliefs About the Past: A Cognitive Sociology of Intersubjective Memory Jens Rydgren
The Analytical Turn in Sociology Peter Hedström
Sociology and the mathematical and statistical sciences
We Always Know More Than We Can Say: Mathematical Sociologists on Mathematical Sociology Christofer Edling
Statistical Models and Mechanisms of Social Processes Aage B. Sørensen
Causal Inference and Statistical Models in Modern Social Sciences Hans-Peter Blossfeld