What can be understood, what can be compared, and what counts as context? Studying lawmaking in world history
Wallenberg Bondesson, Maria | 2016
Refusing to acknowledge the problem: Interests of the few, implications for the many.
Jylhä, Kirsti | 2016
The Affirmative Answer to the Existential Question and the Person Affecting Restriction
Arrhenius, Gustaf | 2015
Ethnic Differences in Early School-leaving: An International Comparison
Jonsson, Jan O. , Rudolphi, Frida , Elina Kilpi-Jakonen | 2014
How Sensitive is Old-Age Poverty to Financial Crisis? A microsimulation Experiment for Sweden
, Elisa Baroni, Thomas Lindh | 2014
Simulating the Need for Health- and Elderly Care in Sweden – A Model Description of SESIM-LEV
Ekholm, Anders Lisa Brouwers, , Lina Maria Ellegård, Nils Janlöv, Pontus Johansson, Karin Mossler | 2014
Sociala konsekvenser av ekonomisk utsatthet: Umgänge, stöd och deltagande
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. | 2014
Slavar och andra ägodelar. Om slaven som sak och människa i lagtexter från förmoderna kulturer i Främre Asien och Kina
Wallenberg Bondesson, Maria | 2012
Age, Class, and Attitudes Towards Government Responsibilities
Svallfors, Stefan , Joakim Kulin, Annette Schnabel. | 2012
Population Aging And The Generational Economy
, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup | 2012
Socioeconomic Persistence Across Generations: Cognitive and Noncognitive Processes
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. , Erik Bihagen | 2012
Surge Under Threat. The Rapid Increase of Women on Swedish Boards of Directors
Edling, Christofer , L. Bohman, M. Bygren | 2012
Testing the "old boys' network": Diversity and board interlocks in Scandinavia
Edling, Christofer , B. Hobdari, T. Randoy, A. Stafsudd, S. Thomsen | 2012
Välfärdsattityder, fattigdom och socialpolitisk organisering – om Staffan Marklunds intellektuella arv
Svallfors, Stefan , Halleröd, Björn; Rafael Lindqvist | 2012
Different Approaches to Providing Intergenerational Transfers in Aging Societies
Thomas Lindh 2011
Intergenerational Redistribution in Sweden’s Public and Private Sectors
, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup | 2011
Optimal Opportunities for Ethnic Organisation and Political Integration? Comparing Stockholm with Other European Cities
Per Strömblad, Gunnar Myrberg, Bo Bengtsson 2011
Patterns of Participation: Engagement among Ethnic Minorities and the Native Population in Oslo and Stockholm
Gunnar Myrberg, Jon Rogstad 2011
On the contagiousness of non-contagious behavior: The case of tax avoidance and tax evasion
Peter Hedström, Rebeca Ibarra 2010
Studying mechanisms to strengthen causal inferences in quantitative research
Peter Hedström 2009
What is analytical sociology all about? An introductory essay
Peter Hedström, Peter Bearman 2009