
The Value of Existence

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Wlodek Rabinowicz | 2015

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Value Superiority

Arrhenius, Gustaf , Rabinowicz , Wlodek | 2015

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Being and Well-Being

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

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Bursell, Moa | 2015

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Value and Time

Bykvist, Krister | 2015

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Analytical Sociology and Rational-Choice Theory

Peter Hedström & Petri Ylikoski 2014

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Ethnic Differences in Early School-leaving: An International Comparison

Jonsson, Jan O. , Rudolphi, Frida , Elina Kilpi-Jakonen | 2014

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Simulating the Need for Health- and Elderly Care in Sweden – A Model Description of SESIM-LEV

Ekholm, Anders Lisa Brouwers, , Lina Maria Ellegård, Nils Janlöv, Pontus Johansson, Karin Mossler | 2014

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Age, Class, and Attitudes Towards Government Responsibilities

Svallfors, Stefan , Joakim Kulin, Annette Schnabel. | 2012

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Population Aging And The Generational Economy

, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup | 2012

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Testing the "old boys' network": Diversity and board interlocks in Scandinavia

Edling, Christofer , B. Hobdari, T. Randoy, A. Stafsudd, S. Thomsen | 2012

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Analytical sociology

Peter Hedström, Petri Ylikoski 2011

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Intergenerational Redistribution in Sweden’s Public and Private Sectors

, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup | 2011

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Social interaction and youth unemployment

Peter Hedström, Yvonne Åberg 2011

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Who is an Immigrant?

Gunnar Myrberg 2010

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