Social selection in formal and informal tracking in Sweden
Rudolphi, Frida och Robert Erikson | 2016
Dual Climate Change Responsibility: on the moral divergences between mitigation and adaptation
Duus-Otterström, Göran & Sverker Jagers | 2016
What can be understood, what can be compared, and what counts as context? Studying lawmaking in world history
Wallenberg Bondesson, Maria | 2016
Refusing to acknowledge the problem: Interests of the few, implications for the many.
Jylhä, Kirsti | 2016
The Affirmative Answer to the Existential Question and the Person Affecting Restriction
Arrhenius, Gustaf | 2015
Ethnic Differences in Early School-leaving: An International Comparison
Jonsson, Jan O. , Rudolphi, Frida , Elina Kilpi-Jakonen | 2014
How Sensitive is Old-Age Poverty to Financial Crisis? A microsimulation Experiment for Sweden
, Elisa Baroni, Thomas Lindh | 2014
Simulating the Need for Health- and Elderly Care in Sweden – A Model Description of SESIM-LEV
Ekholm, Anders Lisa Brouwers, , Lina Maria Ellegård, Nils Janlöv, Pontus Johansson, Karin Mossler | 2014
Sociala konsekvenser av ekonomisk utsatthet: Umgänge, stöd och deltagande
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. | 2014
Slavar och andra ägodelar. Om slaven som sak och människa i lagtexter från förmoderna kulturer i Främre Asien och Kina
Wallenberg Bondesson, Maria | 2012
Age, Class, and Attitudes Towards Government Responsibilities
Svallfors, Stefan , Joakim Kulin, Annette Schnabel. | 2012
Population Aging And The Generational Economy
, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup | 2012
Socioeconomic Persistence Across Generations: Cognitive and Noncognitive Processes
Mood, Carina , Jonsson, Jan O. , Erik Bihagen | 2012
Surge Under Threat. The Rapid Increase of Women on Swedish Boards of Directors
Edling, Christofer , L. Bohman, M. Bygren | 2012
Testing the "old boys' network": Diversity and board interlocks in Scandinavia
Edling, Christofer , B. Hobdari, T. Randoy, A. Stafsudd, S. Thomsen | 2012
Välfärdsattityder, fattigdom och socialpolitisk organisering – om Staffan Marklunds intellektuella arv
Svallfors, Stefan , Halleröd, Björn; Rafael Lindqvist | 2012
Different Approaches to Providing Intergenerational Transfers in Aging Societies
Thomas Lindh 2011
Intergenerational Redistribution in Sweden’s Public and Private Sectors
, Daniel Hallberg, Thomas Lindh, Charlotte Thulstrup | 2011
Optimal Opportunities for Ethnic Organisation and Political Integration? Comparing Stockholm with Other European Cities
Per Strömblad, Gunnar Myrberg, Bo Bengtsson 2011
Patterns of Participation: Engagement among Ethnic Minorities and the Native Population in Oslo and Stockholm
Gunnar Myrberg, Jon Rogstad 2011
On the contagiousness of non-contagious behavior: The case of tax avoidance and tax evasion
Peter Hedström, Rebeca Ibarra 2010
Studying mechanisms to strengthen causal inferences in quantitative research
Peter Hedström 2009